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Letter from our directors

Campus Updates


Kia Ora Koutou ICA Students:

We are indeed experiencing a concerning time in New Zealand just now as the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 continues to rise. ICA will be closing to students for two staff-only days on the 23rd and 24th of March (Monday & Tuesday) to complete our preparation for the online delivery and assessments of your studies at ICA, and to ensure we can keep supporting your study if the alert level changes in our country.

There will be no classes for students on the 23rd and 24th of March (Monday & Tuesday) and the college will re-open on Wednesday 25th March 2020 if the alert level (Level 2) as outlined by the Prime Minister yesterday has not changed. We will keep you all posted in case of any changes to this situation.

Please be reminded that if you are sick, then you must stay at home. We continue to give the same message to all students and staff about safer sneezing (into the elbow is good) and thorough and regular hand washing.

Should the alert level rise meaning that we need to close ICA, we must have your current email addressphone number, and preferred contact method. We are making plans here at ICA for online learning if this happens, as well as ways to provide you with pastoral support from a distance. We have a pandemic plan in place and staff are working very hard to provide the best possible conditions for keeping you safe.

Our cleaning procedures are also being scaled up and now include daily cleaning of the College with a special focus on frequently touched surfaces.

Please be assured the staff, and I are doing the very best we can. I am in regular communication with the Ministry of Education.

Should you decide to self-isolate, please let us know. We will respect your decision to do so and would suggest daily reading at home, and the use of ICA Moodle. We will be checking in with you if you are not attending classes.

Should the college need to close, teachers will be guiding your learning from home, and your online classes will be conducted according to your current timetable. But in the meantime, the teaching staff and ICA are planning and preparing to teach your in-class programs as usual.

Stay safe, stay calm, and be reassured that we are all working together to make our place as safe as possible.

Directors Annie Zhang & James Zhu

multicultural Program

Multicultural Programmes

Multicultural programmes provides ICA College students a safe and supportive environment to explore issues of diversity and multiculturalism through programmes, services and educational opportunities. Through programmes, services and educational opportunities, Multicultural programmes is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for ICA students to explore issues of diversity and multiculturalism as well as to strengthen the connection for all students with each other and the college community.


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