Engineering and Technology School with NZQA Confidence in Educational Performance and Self-Assessment capacity  Read More

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At International College of Auckland New Zealand (ICA NZ), we prioritise student success and well-being through tailored support services. Our comprehensive approach includes pastoral care, academic guidance, welfare support, and practical assistance to ensure every student thrives in their academic and personal journey.

Academically, we offer personalized learning support such as one-on-one tutoring, course information, and workshops focusing on essential skills like referencing and report writing. For students preparing for NZCEL exams, we provide targeted English language improvement sessions. Our commitment extends to recognizing prior learning and facilitating credit transfers, ensuring a seamless academic progression.

Beyond academics, our Student Support Team serves as a central point of contact, assisting with inquiries and connecting students to relevant staff. We prioritize student welfare by offering advice on accommodation options, health services, and navigating local laws. For students under 18, we facilitate secure homestay arrangements with carefully screened families, promoting a safe and supportive living environment.

ICA NZ also emphasizes personal development through professional skills workshops, preparing students for success in the New Zealand job market. Our dedicated staff provide ongoing mentorship and guidance to empower students throughout their educational experience.

By creating a nurturing environment where every student feels valued and supported, ICA ensures that all students have the tools and resources necessary to achieve their academic goals and thrive in their new educational and cultural setting.



Starting at a new school can be quite scary – even more in a new country! On the first day of class, the Student Support Team conducts an in-depth orientation program with each student to allow them to familiarize themselves with the college, their lecturers, and to get to know their fellow classmates.

professional development

Students can attend additional professional development sessions to enhance their expertise and adapt to New Zealand's cultural and professional environment. This initiative is beneficial for international students who are newcomers to the country and may have limited New Zealand work experience.


Our smaller class sizes ensure students benefit from extensive one-on-one interaction with tutors. Individualized attention is a priority, as tutors assist students in setting achievable learning objectives. At ICA, continuous support is guaranteed throughout each student's journey.


Our Industry Pathway Manager helps to prepare students for New Zealand's job market through personalized career support. Services offered include career consultations to assist in goal setting and clear career planning, providing guidance with crafting effective job applications, and conducting interview training. They also help with facilitating internships and job placements to grow practical experience and employability.