International students have been involved in a number of recent vehicle accidents on New Zealand roads. Organisations that are signatories to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code) are reminded of their obligations relating to driving laws and traffic safety. Under 13.3.2 of the Code, signatories must provide support services to international students (if applicable) relating to ‘information and advice on driving laws, drive licensing requirements, and road traffic safety, including pedestrian and cycling safety, in New Zealand’. You and your organisation will have determined how this requirement is best met, but examples could include: information in the student handbook, material on notice boards, emails to students, and website links to additional information. Videos of road safety can also be shown and students could also be sent information prior to their arrival in New Zealand. Useful information links could include: What’s different about driving in New Zealand? and New Zealand Road Code Online.
Drive Safety In New Zealand
Multicultural Programmes
Multicultural programmes provides ICA College students a safe and supportive environment to explore issues of diversity and multiculturalism through programmes, services and educational opportunities. Through programmes, services and educational opportunities, Multicultural programmes is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for ICA students to explore issues of diversity and multiculturalism as well as to strengthen the connection for all students with each other and the college community.